What my Grandkids will say about me on Oprah

When my grandkids talk to Oprah
    about their Nana, the famous writer,
they will say words were my oxygen--
    to read, to write, to share,
and that I spent way too much money
    at Thrift Stores on books by dead authors--
Emily Dickinson, George Herbert, LM Montgomery
    and Keats.

They will also tell her I loved to sing--
    another form of breathing--
and how I embarrassed them in public
    by belting out the "Tomorrow" song from Annie
or grabbing their elbows in the mall
    while shouting "We're off to see the Wizard!"

They will announce to the world,
    in front of God and everybody,
that my profession as a teacher was their   
    greatest undoing;
constantly coaching them about penmanship,
the correct formation of the letter "a"
    or while reading, pointing out misread syllables in
    a favorite text.

They will oblige Ms. O's prodding by adding the death 
that I couldn't help myself when it came to learning,
    revealing in hushed tones I often resorted
    to using an encyclopedia as torture 
    (the 1956 World Book edition).

My grandchildren will remind her, however,
    (before the commercial break)
my best qualities were the way I delighted in the world,
    showing them wonders in the garden,
surprises in the grass, the avian miracles of
    chickadees and juncos in the branches 
    or robins in the birdbath.

Most of all, when my grandkids talk to Oprah,
    they will tell her my lungs longed for the breath of
    Heaven, the Word, and how its oxygen proved
    my greatest life support throughout my livelong days.
c. Jody Lee Collins 2016


  1. Every line delights me, Jody. Here is a legacy, a eulogy, a psalm for a Saturday. Brava!

    1. Thank you, Laurie. It was very fun to write! Hope my grandkids like it :-)

  2. What a grand testament of God's creation of a prized daughter!

    1. Oh, Carol, aren't we all writing our last testaments with our lives? thanks for reading.

  3. 'Made me smile -- because I could see you singing "Tomorrow" in public!
    'Made me grateful -- for the capacity to learn, no matter our age .
    'Made me worship -- the Word-giver, who has granted us irreplaceable life support through the Bible.
    Thank you, Jody!

    1. Oh, YOU made me smile, Nancy. I knew you would 'get' this :-)

  4. LOVE this, Jody. Wish you were my grandma!

  5. Oh, dear friend, I'm guessing your are a similar gift to your grands. Thanks for reading!

  6. Very sweet, Jody. I spent some hours with Lillian yesterday, after being out of town for 2 weeks. We were both so happy.


    1. oh, sigh.... Lillian is one blessed baby. Glad you're home safe and can enjoy her company.

  7. Ha! I love this! You sound like a most excellent Grandma!

    1. It is a joy, Ms. J, indeed. Hope you are well...thanks for reading :-)

  8. I love this, Jody, it's so beautifully expressed. It also made me smile and revealed lovely aspects of your character. A gem of a poem to pass on to your loved ones and for us to enjoy as well! Thanks for leading us here from your latest newsletter. Blessings on your creativity, my friend! xo 😊💜
