Mining the Bright Birds

I strain towards the future
My eyes focusing 
on the far away
past the empty, quiet gray,
like looking for a hummingbird
in the snow.

I squint to see the fine
twig lines
across the white,
over the green,
in front of the sleeping brown
and spy her there,
a gemstone
stately in her stance
among the branches.

It is no effort, really,
this finding my way
through my days,
if I but gentle my 
busy self,
settle and sit
sip and settle
and welcome the daytime darkness
while mining the bright birds.
Linking with dVerse Pub for Open Link Night.
More great poems over there.


  1. a walk in the woods is nice comfort...finding our way through the day is much easier when we look for the beauty in the world...and take our time...

  2. The imagery is lovely. Your poem reminds me of a writer's journey, typing, singing like a bird, and searching for inspiration from all things possible.

    MJ, A to Z Challenge Co-Host
    Writing Tips
    Effectively Human
    Lots of Crochet Stitches

  3. I love that last verse especially... so quietly profound and lovely.

  4. "daytime darkness......" The finesse is magical in your description... Mining colorful birds from within their gray and dismal scene...... what a lovely picture my mind developed before I even looked at your photo. Good writing...

  5. I love the walk you take us through.. a walk through daytime darkness.. very nice juxtapositions --- there is some melancholy--- but the acceptance/joy seems to be winning...

  6. Even in the darkness, there are bright bits of beauty if we but slow down and look

  7. Very nice...I just like how this one feels. Great to see you Jody :)
